3rd International Symposium on Regenerative Hepatology
The European Association for the study of the liver (EASL) hosts its 3rd international symposium on regenerative hepatology. Session including a session on 'Bioengineering approaches for drug discovery'.
The European Association for the study of the liver (EASL) hosts its 3rd international symposium on regenerative hepatology. Session including a session on 'Bioengineering approaches for drug discovery'.
We are gold sponsors at this event!
Come and meet our team to discuss how bit.bio offers partnering opportunities that affords access to the most relevant parental human cell types and corresponding disease models. These models are physiologically relevant and highly characterised, offering predictive, in vitro, human cells for early drug discovery, phenotypic screening, high-content imaging applications and cell therapies.
We will be hosting a talk in the track 'Industry Session: Uncovering new products with potential in Regenerative Hepatology' at 14.40-14.50 more details coming soon.
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