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BiotechTV and Brad Loncar visit to

Written by | May 9, 2024 7:33:56 AM

BiotechTV, a leading platform in the biotechnology industry, recently visited the headquarters of, a synthetic biology company focused on human cells that is advancing regenerative medicine and enabling curative treatments. In an exclusive interview,'s Founder and CEO, Mark Kotter elucidated the groundbreaking science behind the company's ability to create and manufacture at scale a wide array of cell types from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs).

Among’s innovative approaches, Dr. Kotter particularly emphasised the integration of machine learning models with the company’s discovery platform. Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence aims to identify transcription factor combinations that drive the precise creation of desired cell types for research, drug discovery, and therapeutic applications.

“The convergence of biotechnology and artificial intelligence has been pivotal in revolutionising our approach to cell manufacturing. Through our advanced understanding of transcription factor networks, coupled with machine learning algorithms, we have embarked on a journey to democratise cell engineering, enabling the creation of virtually any cell type with unprecedented precision and efficiency."

Mark KotterCo-founder and CEO,'s proprietary technology and ability to produce high-quality cells consistently at scale hold immense promise for accelerating research and drug discovery and present a paradigm shift in the field of regenerative medicine. By harnessing the potential of iPSC-derived cells, aims to address a myriad of medical challenges by offering novel therapeutics for diseases with high unmet need.

With BiotechTV’s spotlight on innovations driving the biotechnology landscape, stands at the forefront of synthetic biology and cellular engineering and is redefining the boundaries of possibility for iPSC-derived human cells in regenerative medicine.

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