ICC imaging of ioSensory Neurons - consistent, pure and easy to use sensory neurons for animal-free toxicology studies and chronic pain research

cat no | io1024

ioSensory Neurons

Highly pure human iPSC-derived sensory neurons with a defined nociceptor identity

ioSensory Neurons are a highly pure, easy to use and functional in vitro nociceptor model, enabling reliable chronic nociceptive pain research and therapeutics development for peripheral neuropathies.

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Confidently investigate your phenotype of interest across multiple clones with our disease model clone panel. Detailed characterisation data (below) and bulk RNA sequencing data (upon request) help you select specific clones if required.

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Benchtop benefits


Highly Pure

>99% pure sensory neurons with a defined nociceptor identity by day 7 post-revival, as confirmed by single cell RNA sequencing.



ioSensory Neurons display spontaneous activity and a functional nociceptor phenotype, as shown by calcium mobilisation in response to specific TRP agonists.


Easy to use

Cryopreserved cells arrive, programmed to mature rapidly upon revival. Simple two-step protocol using one medium – no mitomycin C treatment is necessary.

Technical data

Ready within days

opti-ox programmed ioSensory Neurons rapidly form a homogenous neuronal population

Time-lapse video capturing the rapid and homogeneous neuronal phenotype acquisition upon thawing of cryopreserved ioSensory Neurons. 14 day time course.

Highly characterised and defined

ioSensory Neurons express pan-sensory neuron-specific markers 

bitbio-ioSensory_Neurons-ICC_Comparison V2

Immunofluorescent staining of ioSensory Neurons at day 14 post-revival. The upper panel shows that ioSensory Neurons are positive for BRN3A (red), the pan-neuronal marker MAP2 (green), and the DAPI counterstain (blue), and demonstrates that all MAP2 positive neurons have a sensory neuronal identity. The lower panel shows that ioSensory Neurons are positive for ISL1 (magenta), PRPH (red), the pan-neuronal marker TUBB3 (green), and the DAPI counterstain (blue).

ioSensory Neurons show visible neuronal networks by day 7


Upon deterministic programming, rapid morphological changes are observed in the cells, with neurons identified by day 4 post-revival. Visible neuronal networks are observed by day 7 post-thaw. Images show day 1 to 14 post-thawing; 10X magnification.

Single cell RNA-sequencing shows ioSensory Neurons form a pure population (>99%) of sensory neurons and express key pan-sensory neuronal markers

FINAL scRNA Seq pan sensory marker figure_Morse

Single cell RNA-sequencing analysis was performed with ioSensory Neurons at five specific timepoints: day 0 (iPSCs), 7, 10, 14 and 17. By day 7, the population has a distinct expression profile indicating a pure population (>99%) of post-mitotic sensory neurons, demonstrated through the expression of pan-sensory neuronal marker genes, ISL1, ISL2, PRPH, and BRN3A, together with the pan-neuronal markers TUBB3 and MAP2. Gene expression was assessed by 10x Genomics single cell RNA-sequencing. Note, this data is from cells in continuous culture, so minor variations may exist between this data and data from cryopreserved cells.

Single cell RNA-sequencing shows ioSensory Neurons express key nociceptor markers

FINAL scRNA Seq nociceptor figure_Morse

Single cell RNA-sequencing analysis was performed with ioSensory Neurons at five specific timepoints: day 0 (iPSCs), 7, 10, 14 and 17. By day 7, the expression of key nociceptor marker genes (NTRK1 and TRPV1) could be detected in post-mitotic sensory neurons. Gene expression was assessed by 10x Genomics single cell RNA-sequencing. Note, this data is from cells in continuous culture, so minor variations may exist between this data and data from cryopreserved cells.

Lot-to-lot consistency

Whole transcriptome analysis shows high lot-to-lot consistency of ioSensory Neurons

FINAL Bulk RNA seq PCA plot_Morse

Bulk RNA sequencing analysis was performed on three technical replicates of three independent lots of ioSensory Neurons at different time points throughout the reprogramming protocol. Principal component analysis represents the variance in gene expression between the lots of ioSensory Neurons. This analysis shows high consistency between each lot of ioSensory Neurons at each given timepoint. Differential gene expression was found to be less than 1% between lots, at day 14 post-thaw. Pure populations of ioSensory Neurons with equivalent expression profiles can be generated consistently from every vial, allowing confidence in experimental reproducibility. Expression levels for specific genes of interest can be requested by contacting our team at technical@bit.bio.

Rapid gain of functional activity

ioSensory Neurons display spontaneous activity that matures over time


Multi electrode array (MEA) recordings of ioSensory Neurons at days 6 and 17. The activity maps show firing rate (A), spike amplitude (B) and % of active electrodes (C). Results demonstrate a time-dependent increase of spontaneous activity during neuronal maturation from day 6 to day 17. Analysis was performed on a Maxwell Biosystem's MaxTwo multi-well system. Note, this data is from cells in continuous culture and not cryopreserved cells.

ioSensory Neurons display a functional nociceptor phenotype

Calcium mobilisation traces_day 14_compressed

Calcium mobilisation imaging upon stimulation of ioSensory Neurons with pharmacological agonists targeting thermosensitive TRP channels such as TRPV1 (capsaicin), TRPM3 (CIM0216) and TRPM8 (WS12). Active traces represent the increase in intracellular calcium mobilisation of individual cells upon exposure to noxious stimuli but not to vehicle at day 14 post-revival. This indicates that cells display a functional nociceptor phenotype within 14 days post-thaw.

Calcium imaging of ioSensory Neurons demonstrates activity following treatment with a TRPM3 agonist

Representative video of ioSensory Neurons displaying calcium mobilisation in response to treatment with the TRPM3 agonist, CIM0216. Note, this data is from cells in continuous culture and not cryopreserved cells.

ioSensory Neurons display enhanced TRPM3 and TRPM8 responses with bespoke media for these channels and increased culture length

TRPM3 and TRPM8 response with optimised media_compressed

Calcium mobilisation imaging, performed with ioSensory Neurons cultured using a bespoke media up to day 14, 17 or 21 post-thaw, shows that ioSensory Neurons display strong responses to pharmacological agonists targeting thermosensitive TRP channels, TRPM3 (CIM0216) and TRPM8 (WS12). The top and bottom left graphs show active traces which represent the increase in intracellular calcium mobilisation of individual cells, at day 21 post-thaw, upon exposure to noxious agonists but not to vehicle, indicating that cells display features of functional nociceptors. The bottom right graph shows the percentage of responding cells at day 14, 17, or 21 post-thaw – the bespoke media and increased culture length appears to greatly enhance the percentage of cells responding to the TRPM3 and TRPM8 agonists, to 90% and 67% at day 21 post-thaw, respectively. Please contact us at technical@bit.bio for further information on the bespoke media.

Automated patch clamp compatibility and clear functional expression of TTX resistant sodium channels
ioSensory Neuron Nanion data TTX resistence

Medium-throughput automated patch clamp analysis (Patchliner, Nanion Technologies) recordings of Day 21 ioSensory Neurons showing block of NaV channels by TTX. The IC50 of TTX was approximately 7.5 nM (n = 5) showing the presence of TTX-sensitive NaV currents. The highest concentration of 100 nM blocked the majority of the current but some functional TTX-resistant sodium current remained (NaV1.8, NaV1.9 or NaV1.5).

Data collected and analysed by Nanion Technologies. More information can be found in this application note written by Nanion.

Heat responsiveness during patch clamp recordings
ioSensory Neuron Nanion data heat response

ioSensory Neurons demonstrate a clear heat response in medium-throughput automated patch clamp analysis (Patchliner, Nanion Technologies).  Day 21 ioSensory Neurons showed a 2-fold increase in outward (red) currents in response to culture media heated to 45°C, indicating functional expression of heat responsive channels including TRPV1 and TRPM3.

Data collected and analysed by Nanion Technologies. More information can be found in this application note written by Nanion.

Easy culturing

Cells arrive ready to plate

bit.bio_ioSensory Neurons_timeline_horizontal

ioSensory Neurons are delivered in a cryopreserved format and are programmed to rapidly mature upon revival in the recommended media. The protocol for the generation of these cells is a two-phase process: Induction, which is carried out at bit.bio, Stabilisation for 7 days (Phase 1), and Maintenance (Phase 2) during which the ioSensory Neurons mature. Phases 1 and 2 after revival of cells are carried out by the customer.

Product information

Starting material

Human iPSC line


Normal (46, XY)

Seeding compatibility

6, 12, 24, 96 and 384 well plates

Shipping info

Dry ice


Caucasian adult male (skin fibroblast)

Vial size

Small: >2 x 10⁶ viable cells

Quality control

Sterility, protein expression (ICC) and gene expression (RT-qPCR)

Differentiation method

opti-ox deterministic cell programming

Recommended seeding density

60,000 cells/cm²

User storage

LN2 or -150°C


Cryopreserved cells

Product use

ioCells are for research use only


Chronic pain research & drug development
MEA analysis
Calcium imaging
Transcriptome analysis

Product resources

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button_link=https://www.ddw-online.com/reprogramming-the-stem-cell-for-a-new-generation-of-cures-1459-202004/, type={label=Publication, value=Publication}, thumbnail={alt_text=, width=2092, url=https://14527135.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/14527135/bit.bio%20ioGlutamatergic%20Neurons%202022.jpg, height=1584}, year={label=2020, value=2020}, summary=<p>Davenport A, Frolov T &amp; Kotter M</p> <p><em>Drug Discovery World</em></p> <p>2020</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>, date_published=1585872000000, sort_date=1597968000000, tags=[{label=ioGlutamatergic Neurons, value=ioGlutamatergic Neurons}, {label=ioSkeletal Myocytes, value=ioSkeletal Myocytes}, {label=ioGABAergic Neurons, value=ioGABAergic Neurons}, {label=ioMicroglia, value=ioMicroglia}, {label=ioSensory Neurons, value=ioSensory Neurons}, {label=ioMotor Neurons, value=ioMotor Neurons}, {label=ioAstrocytes, value=ioAstrocytes}], media_contact=<p><span>Davenport A, Frolov T &amp; Kotter M.</span></p> <p><em>Drug Discovery World</em></p> <p>2020</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>, listing_button_label=Read more}, {hs_name=CRISPR and the Art of Perturbation Screening: Unbiased functional genomic screening meets the best human cellular models, hs_id=161968263475, hs_path=crispr-and-the-art-of-perturbation-screening-unbiased-functional-genomic-screening-meets-the-best-human-cellular-models, button_label=Explore ioCRISPR-Ready Cells, button_link=https://www.bit.bio/iocrispr-ready, type={label=Talk, value=Talk}, thumbnail={alt_text=, width=1318, url=https://14527135.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/14527135/BitBio2022/Resources%20listing/hubdb-thumbs/resources/CRISPR%20and%20the%20Art%20of%20Perturbation%20Screening-min.png, height=1000}, year={label=2021, value=2021}, summary=<p>Kam Dhaliwal <span>| </span>SVP Strategic Alliances | bit.bio</p> <p><br>Talk at ELRIG CRISPR in Drug Discovery</p>, date_published=1706140800000, sort_date=1636070400000, tags=[{label=ioGlutamatergic Neurons, value=ioGlutamatergic 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value=Product information}], media_contact=<p>V2</p> <p>2024</p> <p>bit.bio</p>, listing_button_label=Download}, {hs_name=Accelerating in vitro target and drug discovery using reprogrammed glutamatergic neurons, hs_id=161968263499, hs_path=dr-shushant-jain-video-2020, button_label=null, button_link=null, type={label=Video, value=Video}, thumbnail={alt_text=, width=1318, url=https://14527135.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/14527135/BitBio2022/Resources/Resource-thumbs/Accelerating%20in%20vitro%20target%20and%20drug%20discovery%20using%20reprogrammed%20glutamatergic%20neurons-min.png, height=1000}, year={label=2020, value=2020}, summary=<p>Dr Shushant Jain <span>|</span> Group Leader In Vitro Biology | Charles River</p> <p>Interview at SLAS</p>, date_published=1706832000000, sort_date=1595635200000, tags=[{label=ioSensory Neurons, value=ioSensory Neurons}], media_contact=null, listing_button_label=Watch}, {hs_name=Modelling human neurodegenerative diseases in research & drug discovery, hs_id=161968263520, hs_path=modelling-human-neurodegenerative-diseases-in-research-drug-discovery, button_label=Explore ioDisease Model Cells, button_link=https://www.bit.bio/iodisease-models, type={label=Webinar, value=Webinar}, thumbnail={alt_text=, width=1200, url=https://14527135.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/14527135/BitBio2022/product-page/Colour%20webinar%20with%20it-bio%20ioGlutamatergic%20Neurons_VGLUT2(G)_MAP2(R)_Tubb3(B)_Hoechst(B)_20x_merge-comp.jpg, height=717}, year={label=2022, value=2022}, summary=<p><span>Dr Mariangela Iovino | Group Leader | Charles River</span></p> <p><span>Dr Tony Oosterveen | Senior Scientist | bit.bio</span></p>, date_published=1707523200000, sort_date=1649116800000, tags=[{label=ioGABAergic Neurons, value=ioGABAergic Neurons}, {label=Product information, value=Product information}, {label=ioGlutamatergic Neurons HTT 50CAG/WT, value=ioGlutamatergic Neurons HTT 50CAG/WT}, {label=ioMicroglia, value=ioMicroglia}, {label=ioGlutamatergic Neurons TDP-43 M337V Het, value=ioGlutamatergic Neurons TDP-43 M337V Het}, {label=ioGlutamatergic Neurons TDP-43 M337V Hom, value=ioGlutamatergic Neurons TDP-43 M337V Hom}, {label=ioSensory Neurons, value=ioSensory Neurons}], media_contact=<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>, listing_button_label=Watch now}, {hs_name=Rethinking Developmental Biology With Cellular Reprogramming, hs_id=161968263524, hs_path=rethinking-developmental-biology-with-cellular-reprogramming, button_label=Explore ioCells, button_link=https://www.bit.bio/discover-iocells, type={label=Webinar, value=Webinar}, thumbnail={alt_text=, width=1860, url=https://14527135.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/14527135/Website%20content/Upcoming%20Webinars/Tech%20Nets%202023/bit.bio_ioGlutamatergic%20Neurons_20xMAP2(red)Hoescht(blue)_day12v2.png, height=1260}, year={label=2023, value=2023}, summary=<p>Mark Kotter | CEO and founder | bit.bio</p> <p>Marius Wernig | Professor Departments of Pathology and Chemical and Systems Biology |&nbsp; Stanford University</p>, date_published=1709164800000, sort_date=1681776000000, tags=[{label=ioGlutamatergic Neurons, value=ioGlutamatergic Neurons}, {label=ioGABAergic Neurons, value=ioGABAergic Neurons}, {label=ioMicroglia, value=ioMicroglia}, {label=Cell therapy, value=Cell therapy}, {label=ioSensory Neurons, value=ioSensory Neurons}, {label=ioOligodendrocyte-like cells, value=ioOligodendrocyte-like cells}], media_contact=null, listing_button_label=Watch now}, {hs_name=Addressing the Reproducibility Crisis | Driving Genome-Wide Consistency in Cellular Reprogramming, hs_id=161968263525, hs_path=addressing-the-reproducibility-crisis-driving-genome-wide-consistency-in-cellular-reprogramming, button_label=Explore ioCells, button_link=https://www.bit.bio/discover-iocells, type={label=Webinar, value=Webinar}, thumbnail={alt_text=, width=1860, url=https://14527135.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/14527135/Website%20content/Upcoming%20Webinars/Tech%20Nets%2019th%20July%202023/bit.bio_ioGlutamatergic%20Neurons_60xMAP2(red)Hoescht(blue)TUBB3(blue)_day4.jpg, height=1260}, year={label=2023, value=2023}, summary=<p>Dr Ania Wilczynska | Head of Computational Genomics | Non-Clinical | bit.bio</p>, date_published=1709769600000, sort_date=1689724800000, tags=[{label=ioGlutamatergic Neurons, value=ioGlutamatergic Neurons}, {label=ioGABAergic Neurons, value=ioGABAergic Neurons}, {label=ioSensory Neurons, value=ioSensory Neurons}, {label=CRISPR-Ready ioGlutamatergic Neurons, value=CRISPR-Ready ioGlutamatergic Neurons}], media_contact=null, listing_button_label=Watch now}, {hs_name=Mastering Cell Identity In A Dish: The Power Of Cellular Reprogramming, hs_id=161968263526, hs_path=mastering-cell-identity-in-a-dish-the-power-of-cellular-reprogramming, button_label=null, button_link=null, type={label=Webinar, value=Webinar}, thumbnail={alt_text=, width=3926, url=https://14527135.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/14527135/Website%20content/Upcoming%20Webinars/GEN%2023rd%20June%202023/io1013S-ioGlutamatergic-Neurons-PRKN-R275W-heterozygous-ICC-DAPI-MAP2.jpeg, height=1629}, year={label=2023, value=2023}, summary=<p>Prof Roger Pedersen | Adjunct Professor and Senior Research Scientist at Stanford University&nbsp;</p> <p>Dr Thomas Moreau | Director of Cell Biology Research | bit.bio</p>, date_published=1709856000000, sort_date=1686700800000, tags=[{label=ioGABAergic Neurons, value=ioGABAergic Neurons}, {label=ioMicroglia, value=ioMicroglia}, {label=ioSensory Neurons, value=ioSensory Neurons}, {label=ioMotor Neurons, value=ioMotor Neurons}], media_contact=null, listing_button_label=Watch now}])
Characterisation of ioSensory Neurons on the Patchliner Application note
Characterisation of ioSensory Neurons on the Patchliner

A Obergrussberger et al, 2024.

ioSensory Neurons Brochure
ioSensory Neurons
ioSensory Neurons | User Manual User manual
ioSensory Neurons | User Manual
Addressing the Reproducibility Crisis | Driving Genome-Wide Consistency in Cellular Reprogramming Webinar
Addressing the Reproducibility Crisis | Driving Genome-Wide Consistency in Cellular Reprogramming

Dr Ania Wilczynska | Head of Computational Genomics | Non-Clinical | bit.bio

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Differentiating iPSCs - which approach works best? 

Download this infographic to find out how the approach used to generate human iPSC-derived cells influences purity, batch consistency and protocol speed. 

bit.bio-opti-ox-infographic in hand-Aug 2022

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