User manual

ioMotor Neurons and related disease models

cat no io1027 | Human iPSC-derived motor neurons
ioMotor Neurons and related disease models
cat no io1027 | Human iPSC-derived motor neurons

ioMotor Neurons are delivered in a cryopreserved format and are programmed to rapidly mature upon revival in the recommended media. The user manual for the generation of these cells is a simple three-phase process:

  • Phase 1 – Stabilisation (day 0 to 2)
    The ioMotor Neurons are revived at the user’s laboratory using the recommended medium supplemented with doxycycline for sustained induction
  • Phase 2 – Pre-Maintenance (day 2 to 4)
    The ioMotor Neurons require a full media change with the recommended medium with doxycycline and DAPT
  • Phase 3 – Maintenance (day 4 onwards)
     The ioMotor Neurons require full media change with the recommended medium without doxycycline. Half media changes are subsequently performed every 48 hours onwards

Depending on assay requirements, ioMotor Neurons can be used over different lengths of time in the maintenance medium.

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