Rapid and consistent generation of functional motor neurons from reprogrammed human iPSCs using opti-ox technology

In this poster, we demonstrate how the MaxWell MaxTwo HD-MEA system has been used for functional characterisation of opti-ox precision reprogrammed ioMotor Neurons, in addition to protein expression and transcriptomic analysis. Electrophysiological properties were assessed by a MaxTwo ‘activity scan‘ confirming electrical activity as early as day 14 post-thaw, which further increased over a period of 42 days. Furthermore, we show that ioMotor Neurons are responsive to electrical stimulation using the MaxTwo ‘electrical stimulation’ module.
In conclusion, opti-ox technology can be utilised for the scalable and consistent production of functional hiPSC-derived motor neurons. These cells, termed ioMotor Neurons, have the potential to advance the development of new therapeutics for MNDs and to further our understanding of motor neuron development and maturation in vitro.
In this poster you will learn:
- How the identity of ioMotor Neurons was characterised through ICC, rt-qPCR and single-cell RNA-Seq
- The subcellular identity of ioMotor Neurons based on Hox and MNX1 gene expression profiles
- How HD-MEA was used to measure the electrophysiological properties of ioMotor Neurons, showing rapid gain of functionality.