CRISPR knockout screening for drug target identification and validation using CRISPR-Ready ioMicroglia
This poster was presented by at the 6th Annual Neuroimmunology Drug Development Summit 2024, demonstrating the use of CRISPR-Ready ioMicroglia for CRISPR knockout screening for drug target identification and validation

This poster was presented by at the 6th Annual Neuroimmunology Drug Development Summit 2024, demonstrating the use of CRISPR-Ready ioMicroglia for CRISPR knockout screening for drug target identification and validation
Functional genomics screening plays a crucial role in drug target discovery by systematically assessing the impact of genetic perturbations on cellular functions. The use of physiologically relevant model systems is critical in these screening approaches to ensure the future clinical success of identified targets.
In this scientific poster, you will learn:
- How CRISPR-Ready ioMicroglia have been engineered to constitutively express Cas9, which is functional from day 1 post-thaw
- How high knockout efficiency was observed in CRISPR-Ready ioMicroglia with both lipid and lentiviral-based guide delivery
- How the cells were used in a pooled CRISPR screen to identify genes controlling microglia activation in response to stimuli
Schmidt et al