Review | UN Political Forum: Prioritising Post-Pandemic Law & Governance

July 15, 2021 | Published by

CAMBRIDGE, Thursday 8 July 2021
— On Thursday 8 July 2021, was involved in an open dialogue engaging the Sustainable Development Solutions Networks of several countries, we considered recent surges in national and local sustainable development laws, tracking emerging trends and sharing new research findings on how university partnerships with government and civil society can help align post-pandemic recovery measures with Sustainable Development Goals 3, 12, 13 and 16, and assess progress, with interested HLPF delegates and observers. Special emphasis was placed on operationalizing target 16B, to promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development, with examples on good health, climate action and sustainable consumption/production goals.


Prof. Marie-Claire Cordonier-Segger (University of Cambridge, CISDL Senior Director, Chair of Ethics and Future Board,, Weslie Janeway (Investor and Philanthropist), Mark Kotter (Founder and Chief Executive Officer,, Ramy Ibrahim (Chief Medical Officer,, Tonya Frolov (Product Manager, and Carol Sun-Schuster (Sustainability Senior Adviser, addressed questions: How can award-winning biomedical companies create innovative partnerships with academia to progress SDG 3? What innovative institutions and governance including codes can guide their collaborations?

Watch the video recording to see all the discussions at the forum.


Ramy Ibrahim round [2] 
“We need to create more of those global ecosystems where scientists, clinicians, investors, governments, regulators, lawyers, and Dean's of academic centres are all working together towards the same goal SDG three by 2030. I will conclude with a quote from a mentor, Dr Rick Klausner, who was the former director of the US National Cancer Institute, where he said that we often overestimate what we can accomplish in a year, but way underestimate what we can accomplish in 10 years. So I am very confident that when we bring the right people and resources together, we will accomplish a lot in the next few years.”
Dr Ramy Ibrahim

Chief Medical Officer,, United Nations HLPF 2021