cat no | io1096 Early Access
GFP ioMicroglia are built from our well-established wild type ioMicroglia Male, deterministically programmed using opti-ox technology and engineered to constitutively express green fluorescent protein (GFP).
Assay ready in just 10 days, these cells offer researchers a fluorescent human microglia model ideal for co-culture with other neural cell types, enabling effortless tracking in multi-cellular systems.
GFP ioMicroglia users save valuable time by eliminating the need to engineer GFP-expressing iPSC lines and optimise complex directed differentiation protocols.
Constitutive GFP expression throughout the cytosol facilitates live-cell imaging, enabling the assessment of cell motility and visualisation of microglial activation states. GFP-labelled human microglia streamline cell sorting workflows by eliminating the need for antibody staining.
These cells maintain the key characteristics and functionalities of ioMicroglia Male, including >90% expression of IBA1, robust microglial phagocytosis and pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion.
Confidently investigate your phenotype of interest across multiple clones with our disease model clone panel. Detailed characterisation data (below) and bulk RNA sequencing data (upon request) help you select specific clones if required.
per vial
A maximum number of 20 vials applies. If you would like to order more than 20 vials, please contact us at
Co-culture compatible
Easily track microglia integration into multi-cell and 3D in vitro models. Ready for co-culture with neurons from day 1.
Constitutively express GFP throughout the cytosol. Demonstrate key phagocytic and cytokine secretion functions.
Live-cell imaging ready
Study microglia motility and identify different activation states in real-time.
Easy-to-use co-culture protocol for GFP ioMicroglia with ioGlutamatergic Neurons
This co-culture protocol describes a method of co-culturing GFP ioMicroglia with ioGlutamatergic Neurons and associated disease models.
Live-cell imaging reveals clear visualisation of GFP ioMicroglia when co-cultured with ioGlutamatergic Neurons
ioGlutamatergic Neurons (io1001) were cultured to day 10 post-thaw. GFP ioMicroglia were cultured to day 10 post-thaw and were directly added to day 11 ioGlutamatergic Neurons. The co-cultures were maintained for a further 3 days before live-cell imaging with Leica DMi8. Brightfield and fluorescence images were taken and merged, easily demonstrating distribution of GFP ioMicroglia within the co-culture.
GFP ioMicroglia secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines upon activation
GFP ioMicroglia were stimulated at day 10 post-thaw with LPS 100 ng/ml and IFNɣ 20 ng/ml for 24 hours. Supernatants were harvested and analysed using MSD V-plex Proinflammatory Kit. GFP ioMicroglia secrete TNF⍺, IL-6, IL-8, IL-1b, IL-12p70 and IL-10 in response to the inflammatory stimuli. GFP ioMicroglia demonstrate a similar response to ioMicroglia Male (io1021), as expected. Three technical replicates were performed per lot.
View the stimulation for cytokine release protocol used to generate this data.
Phagocytosis of E. coli particles by GFP ioMicroglia
(A) Phagocytosis assay using pHrodo™ E. coli BioParticles™ at day 10 post-thaw demonstrates efficient uptake of bacteria particles by GFP ioMicroglia in comparison to ioMicroglia Male (io1021) +/- cytochalasin D control (an inhibitor of actin polymerisation). The graph displays that the proportion of cells phagocytosing E.coli particles over 24 hours for three technical replicates.
(B) The graph displays that the degree of cells phagocytosing E.coli particles over 24 hours. Images were acquired every 30 mins on the Incucyte® looking at red fluorescence and phase contrast. Three technical replicates were performed.
GFP ioMicroglia phagocytose Zymosan particles
Representative video shows GFP-labelled ioMicroglia phagocytosing pHrodo Red-labeled Zymosan particles. Upon engulfment, the acidic environment of the phagolysosome causes the particles to fluoresce red, enabling particle visualisation within the cells. Live-cell imaging was conducted at 4-minute intervals over 1.5 hours using the Leica DMi8 microscope.
Flow cytometry analysis of GFP expression at day 11 and day 21 for GFP ioMicroglia
Flow cytometry analysis demonstrating GFP expression in over 99.5% of cells for GFP ioMicroglia cultured until day 11, with no GFP expression seen in ioMicroglia Male (io1021). At day 21, the percentage of cells expressing GFP and the intensity does not decrease over time, indicating there is no silencing of the reporter gene.
GFP ioMicroglia express key microglia markers
Immunofluorescent staining on day 10 post-revival demonstrates similar homogenous expression of microglia markers P2RY12 and IBA1 and ramified morphology in GFP ioMicroglia compared to ioMicroglia Male (io1021). GFP expression can be visualised throughout the cytosol in every cell for GFP ioMicroglia, but not in the WT control. 10X magnification.
GFP ioMicroglia show ramified morphology by day 10
GFP ioMicroglia mature rapidly, and key ramified morphology can be identified by day 4 and continues through to day 10, similarly to ioMicroglia Male (io1021). Day 1 to 10 post-thawing; 100x magnification.
GFP ioMicroglia Male are delivered in a cryopreserved format and are programmed to rapidly mature upon revival in the recommended media. The protocol for the generation of these cells is a three-phase process: an Induction phase that is carried out at, Phase 1: Stabilisation for 24 hours, Phase 2: Maturation for a further 9 days, Phase 3: the Maintenance phase. Cells are ready to use from day 10.
Starting material
Human iPSC line
Seeding compatibility
6, 12, 24, 48, 96 & 384 well plates
Shipping info
Dry ice
Caucasian adult male (skin fibroblast)
Vial size
Small: >1.5 x 10⁶ viable cells
Quality control
Sterility, protein expression (ICC), functional phagocytosis and cytokine secretion assays, GFP expression (flow cytometry)
Differentiation method
opti-ox deterministic programming
Recommended seeding density
37,000 to 39,500 cells/cm²
User storage
LN2 or -150°C
Cryopreserved cells
Product use
ioCells are for research use only
Live-cell imaging
Cell sorting
High throughput screening
Phagocytosis assays
Cytokine release assays
Neuroinflammation modelling
Antonella Santuccione Chadha, MD | Founder and CEO | Women’s Brain Foundation
Melanie Einsiedler, PhD | Scientific Contributor | Women’s Brain Foundation
Rebecca Northeast, PhD | Senior Product Manager |
Elise Malavasi, PhD
Principal Scientist
Concept Life Sciences
Consistent. Defined. Scalable.
Matteo Zanella, PhD
Associate Research Leader | Charles River