
ioDisease Model Cells

ioDisease Model Cells

Human iPSC-derived disease models

ioDisease Model Cells are a range of deterministically programmed human iPSC-derived cells engineered to contain disease-related mutations. Each ioDisease Model Cell can be paired with a genetically matched ioWild Type Cell, to help scientists confidently link genotype to phenotype and make true comparisons in their data.

ioCells are for research use only.

What Scientists Say About ioDisease Models

An image of Dr Mariangela Iovino

Dr Mariangela Iovino

Senior Group Leader | Biology Discovery | Charles River

"Data from assays routinely used at Charles River show that disease models have disease-relevant phenotypes, suggesting that the cells can be easily applied to drug discovery programs”

An image of Emma Jones, PhD

Emma Jones, PhD

Senior Scientist | Neurobiology Medicines Discovery Catapult

"More physiologically relevant disease models will permit better and more predictable drug discovery, and will therefore improve the translation of medicines to the clinic"

Wild type and isogenic disease model cells: A true comparison

Be confident in your data by pairing ioDisease Model Cells with the genetically matched ioWild Type control.


The right human model

Are you seeking to solve the paucity of successful treatments for neurodegenerative disease? Learn how ioDisease Model Cells are being used as a physiologically-relevant CNS model for drug discovery that will reproducibly scale to high-throughput screens.

“Ultimately, we hope our ioDisease Model Cells will help provide more effective therapies for neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s disease. I believe that it is crucial to use the right human model to successfully translate research into the clinic and help patients”

TonyTony Oosterveen PhD


A next-generation approach to study Huntington’s disease

Learn about the benchtop benefits and applications of our latest disease model for Huntington’s disease, ioGlutamatergic Neurons HTT 50CAG/WT.


Addressing current challenges of in vitro cell models

Discover how experts from across academia and industry are approaching the challenges of accuracy and reproducibility of in vitro cell models as well as potential solutions.

“For translational applications, it’s important to identify a model that is relevant, which is mirroring the human disease”

Bit.bio_circle_headshot_Pic0004-removebg-preview (2)Davide Danovi PhD 
King’s College London


Don’t see what you’re looking for? 

Partner with us to generate custom ioDisease Model Cells. Access our platform to generate custom disease model cells to answer your drug discovery and disease research questions. lab scientist with sample

Related pages

Our platform Discover the cell coding platform behind our cells
Product catalogue See the range of human iPSC-derived cells for research and drug discovery
Resources Explore our latest scientific insights, webinars, blogs and video