cat no | io1027
ioMotor Neurons from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) deterministically programmed using opti-ox technology. Within days, cells convert consistently to defined, functional motor neurons, showing the expression of key lower motor neuron marker genes MNX1(HB9), FOXP1, ISL2 and cholinergic markers CHAT & SLC18A3 (VAChT) by day 4.
ioMotor Neurons have been extensively characterised, indicating a spinal motor neuron identity (cervical region) confirmed through FOXP1, ISL2, MNX1 and HOX gene expression that is measurable just 4 days post-revival. From day 14, >80% cells express MNX1 and show functional neuronal activity in astrocyte co-culture that is in line with primary motor neurons cultured in similar conditions. Functional activity was also evaluated in monoculture, demonstrating no significant activity, as expected; indicating that the cells form a highly pure and homogenous neuronal population unable to undertake synaptogenesis without glial cells.
ioMotor Neurons represent an accurate in vitro model of lower motor neurons (indicated spinal – cervical region identity), enabling scientists to build physiological relevance into their experiments at scales from single cell analysis to high content imaging, helping bridge translational gaps in motor neuron disease research and neurotoxicology.
Related disease model cells are available with TDP‑43 M337V, FUS P525L and SOD1 G93A mutations (heterozygous and homozygous) that can be used alongside wild type ioMotor Neurons as a genetically matched control.
Additional disease models are available in ioGlutamatergic Neurons with mutations in TDP‑43 and MAPT, creating a comprehensive toolkit to study the genetic and pathological overlap between ALS and FTD.
Confidently investigate your phenotype of interest across multiple clones with our disease model clone panel. Detailed characterisation data (below) and bulk RNA sequencing data (upon request) help you select specific clones if required.
per vial
A maximum number of 20 vials applies. If you would like to order more than 20 vials, please contact us at
Functional neuronal networks are detected in co-culture with astrocytes from day 14.
Quick and easy
Within 4 days post revival cells are ready for experimentation, displaying motor neuronal morphology without clumping.
>80% cells express key lower motor neuron markers indicating a spinal motor neuron identity (cervical region). >99.9% neuronal population.
Functional neuronal networks are detected in astrocyte co-culture from day 14
ioMotor Neurons are functional – showing activity in astrocyte co-culture that increases over time as networks mature. Mean firing rates (electrode spike count divided by the total time of the recording period) is shown to increase substantially throughout the course of the experiment, as demonstrated by multielectrode array activity (MEA).
Spontaneous neuronal activity is exhibited from as early as day 14 and continues to increase up to the final measured timepoint, day 42.
Immunocytochemistry shows protein expression of key motor neuron markers
Immunofluorescent staining on post-revival day 4 and day 11 demonstrates homogenous expression of the pan-neuronal protein TUBB3, motor neuron specific marker ISL2, the cholinergic marker ChAT and nuclear staining (DAPI).
Immunofluorescent staining on post-revival day 4 and day 11 demonstrates homogenous expression of the pan-neuronal protein MAP2, motor neuron specific marker HB9, the cholinergic marker VAChT and nuclear staining (DAPI).
RT-qPCR shows gene expression of key motor neuron markers
RT-qPCR gene expression on post-revival days 1, 4, 11 & 18 demonstrates rapid acquisition of motor neuron genotype, shown by the expression of pan-neuronal, cholinergic & key lower motor neuron markers from as early as day 1. Pluripotency markers NANOG and OCT4 are swiftly downregulated.
Bulk RNA-sequencing exhibits a HOX gene signature indicative of a spinal motor neuron (cervical region) identity
Expression of HOX genes was evaluated using bulk RNA sequencing data. This heatmap shows expression of genes from the B cluster and expression of HOXC4 and HOXC5, although at lower levels. This data, together with the marker expression from single cell RNA sequencing, suggests that ioMotor Neurons have a spinal cord (cervical region) identity. Note, this data is from cells in continuous culture and not cryopreserved cells.
Single cell RNA-sequencing shows ioMotor Neurons form a pure population (>99.9%) of neurons
Single cell RNA-sequencing analysis was performed with ioMotor Neurons at four timepoints: day 0 (iPSCs), 4, 7, and 14. Gene expression was assessed by 10x Genomics single cell RNA-sequencing. Note, this data is from cells in continuous culture and not cryopreserved cells. By day 14, the population has a distinct expression profile indicating a pure population (>99.9%) of post-mitotic neurons, demonstrated through the expression pan-neuronal markers MAP2 and TUBB3.
Single cell RNA-sequencing shows ioMotor Neurons express key spinal motor neuron markers, >80% of cells express MNX1 on day 14
Starting from day 4, the expression of the key spinal motor neuron marker genes MNX1 (HB9), FOXP1, and ISL2 is detected in the culture, with >80% of cells expressing MNX1 on day 14. These percentages are likely to be an underestimation due to limitation of single cell RNA sequencing, as ICC for HB9 & ISL2 shows homogeneous expression of these markers in our cultures
Single cell RNA-sequencing shows a high proportion of ioMotor Neurons express cholinergic markers by day 7
Within 7 days, the expression of the key cholinergic marker genes CHAT & SLC18A3 (VAChT) are detected in a high proportion of ioMotor Neurons.
Bulk RNA sequencing analysis was performed on three independent batches of ioMotor Neurons at three different time points throughout the reprogramming protocol. Principal component analysis represents the variance in gene expression between the batches of ioMotor Neurons. This analysis shows high consistency between each batch of ioMotor Neurons at each given timepoint. Populations of ioMotor Neurons with equivalent expression profiles can be generated consistently from every vial, allowing confidence in experimental reproducibility. Note, this data is from cells in continuous culture and not cryopreserved cells.
Do more with every vial
The seeding density of our human iPSC-derived ioMotor Neurons and related disease models has been optimised and validated to a recommended seeding density of 30,000 cells/cm2. This means scientists can do more with every vial and expand experimental design within budget without losing out on quality. Resulting in more experimental conditions, more repeats, and more confidence in the data. One Small vial can plate a minimum of 0.7 x 24-well plate, 1 x 96-well plate, or 1.5 x 384-well plate.
Schematic overview of the timeline in the user manual
ioMotor Neurons and related disease models are delivered in a cryopreserved format and are programmed to rapidly mature upon revival in the recommended media.
Time-lapse video capturing the rapid and homogeneous motor neuronal phenotype acquisition upon thawing of cryopreserved ioMotor Neurons, showing no signs of clumping. 11 day time course.
ioMotor Neurons form a homogenous neuronal network by day 4
ioMotor Neurons mature rapidly and form homogenous populations over 18 days. Day 1 to 18 post thawing; 100X magnification.
Starting material
Human iPSC line
Seeding compatibility
6, 12, 24, 96 and 384 well plates
Shipping info
Dry ice
Caucasian adult male (skin fibroblast)
Vial size
Small: >1 x 10⁶ viable cells
Quality control
Sterility, protein expression (ICC) and gene expression (RT-qPCR)
Differentiation method
opti-ox deterministic cell programming
Recommended seeding density
30,000 cells/cm²
User storage
LN2 or -150°C
Cryopreserved cells
Product use
ioCells are for research use only
Neurodegeneration research
ALS disease modelling
Electrophysiological analysis
Drug development & discovery
Neuromuscular research
Luke Foulser | Scientist |
Download this infographic to find out how the approach used to generate human iPSC-derived cells influences purity, batch consistency and protocol speed.
Dr Irit Reichenstein
Senior Scientist | Anima Biotech
Dr Elizabeth Di Lullo
Associate Scientific Director | Brainever